deutsche Version: Mit den Bäumen ist das so (Buchvefilmung)
gelesen von Horst W. Köller

english Version: This Is How It Is With Trees (Book-Adaption)
translated by Rachel Owens, read by Ole Sindt

Märchen/Fairy Tail, 10/11 Min.

Buchverfilmung: Mit den Bäumen ist das so

Das gleichnamige Buch ist eine bewußtseinverändernde Geschichte von Friedrich Recknagel. Sie wurde von Martin Lutz mit wunderschönen Aquarellen illustriert.

About the author: Friedrich Recknagel was born in 1941 in Gera, Germany. He later moved to East Frisian, Germany, where he worked as a telephone service handworker and soldier. Beginning in 1973, he studied at the Pedagogic University in Kiel and later he teaches German, biology and technology in a middle school in Kiel. Friedrich Recknagel has worked with literature since 1979. He has composed poetry, short stories, and children ́s books. He is a member of the East Frisian Author ́s Circle. He met painter Martin Lutz during his study at the Kiel Pedagogic University.

About the artist: Martin Lutz was born in 1948 in Ludwigshafen, Germany. After completing high school he studied philosophy at the University in Freiburg. Leaving college early, he moved to Italy, Iceland and later to Finnland. His first exibitions followed in Luino, Italy and then in Reykjavik, Iceland. In 1973 he completed his education at the Pedagogic University in Kiel, simultaneously returning to watercolor. He completed his study while traveling to Australia and New Zealand exhibiting his work in Sidney. Since 1981 Marin Lutz has worked as an art teacher. His artistic works have been displayed at both individual and joint exibitions. He is a member of the German National Association of Fine Arts.

Buchverfilmung: Mit den Bäumen ist das soBuchverfilmung: Mit den Bäumen ist das so

Hier geht es zum Buch: Mit den Bäumen ist das so
Mit Informationen zum Autor: Friedrich Recknagel und zum Maler der Aquarelle: Martin Lutz

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